TNPSC / TRB Model Question

Maratha Kingdom

1. Shivaji was born in Sivher 1627
2. shivaji's religious guru - Ramdas
3. Treaty of Purandhar Shivaji and Raja Jai Singh 1965
4. Shivaji's guardian Dadaji Kondadev.
5. Shivaji plundered Surat Twice 1664 & 1670
6. Popularly known as 'Nara Saheb' - Balaji Baji Rao
7. Shivaji stationed his naval fleet in Kolaba
8. Shivaji's Successors : Sambhaji, Rajaram, Sivaji II, Shahu, Ramraja
9. Sequence of Peshwas : Balaji Viswanath, Baji Rao, Balaji Baji Rao, Madhav Rao, Narayan Rao, Sawai Madhav Rao
10. Peshwa - Poona
Bhonsle - Nagpur
Holkar - Indore
Gaekwad - Baroda
Scindia - Gwalior
11. Third Battle a Panipat January 14, 1761 - Ahmad Shah Abdali defeated the Marathas.
12. Shivaji's death 1680

13. Shivaji's Administration Ashta Pradhan (Eight Ministers)
1) Peshwa - Finance and general administer (PM)
2) Sar-i-Nauhat - Senapati or military commander
3) Majumdar or Amatya - Accountant general
4) Waqenavis - Intelligence posts & house hold affairs.
5) Sachir - Correspondence
6) Dabir or Sumanta - Master of Ceremonies
7) Nyayadhish - Justice
8) Pandit Rao - Charities and religion affairs
14. Revenue administration Chauth and Sardeshmukhi chauth 1/4th of Land revenue.
Sardesh Mukhi additional lens 10%
15. Shivaji had 240 forts at the end of his religion.
16. After shivaji the greatest emperor had guerilla tactics Baji Rao I
17. Nana Saheb died on June 23, 1761
Warren Hastings
1. Regulating Act 1773
2. Pitts India Act 1784
3. Nanda Kumar episode
4. Asiatic society of Bengal by Hastings and Sir Williams Jones (1784)
5. Impeachment.
Lord Cornwallis
  1. Treaty of seringapatam (1792)
  2. Introduction of permareur Revenue Settlement or Zamindari system in Bengal and Bihar (1793)

Lord Wellesley
1. System of subsidiary Alliance (1798)
2. Fourth Mysore war 1799
Lord Minto I
1. Vellore Mutiny (1806)
2. Treaty of Amritsar with Ranjit Singh (1809)
3. Charter Act 1813
Lord Hastings
1. Pindari war
2. Rystwari settlement - Thomas munro
Lord William Bentink
1. Sati Prohibition 1829
2. Charter Act 1833
3. Introduction of English as the medium of instruction (1835)
Lord William Bentink
Charter Act 1853
Doctrine of Lapse, Satara 1838, Sambalpur 1849, Jhansi 1853, Nagpur 1854, Oudh 1856
Woods Despatch 1854
Introduction of Railways (Bombay - Thane)
Telegraph - Calcutta - Agra
Postal System 1853
Public Works Department
Lord Canning
Establishment of 3 University Calcutta, Madras, Bombay 1857.

 Revolt 1857.