- Planning Commission - 1950
- Planning Commission was setup in the recommendation of planning Advisory Board (1946)
- Planning advisory board chairman K.C.Neogi
- Planning commission is neither a constitutional body not a statutory body.
- Planning commission chairman PM
- Planning commission's full time functional head Deputy Chairman
- Planning commission strength 4 to 7 expert members
- NDC 1952 (First Five year plan recommended)
- Sarkaria Commission recommended that NDC should be given constitutional status
- Regulating Act 1773 laid the foundation of a central administration
- The Zonal councils have been established by states Reorganization Act.
- Constitutional bodies - Finance Commission, Election Commission
- Planning Commission, NDC, Zonal councils, UGC are not constitutional bodies.
- District Collector - Hastings
- Local Government - Ribbon
- Divisional Commissioner - Bentinck
- NDC - PM, all union cabinet minister, CM of all state, Administrators of Union territories and members of planning commission.
- Finance Commission Act 280. Chairman with 4 Members.
- 52nd Amendment Act 1985 - deals art 101, 102, 190 & 191 added (anti Defection law)
- District Administration stands for Administration within a District.
- The office of a District Collector was created by warren Hasting
- Ashok Mehta Committee recommendation
1. Creation of two tier system
2. Reservation for SC/STS
3. Compulsory taxation for panchayats.
4. Open participation of political parties.
- District judges are appointed by Governor of state.
- Money bill can be introduced in the state legislature only on the recommendation of Governor.
- Balwanthray Committee was a committee on Community development Programme.
- First Panchayat raj states Rajasthan & Andhra
- The Office of a District Collector was created in India in 1972.
- Ashok Mehta Committee is a committee on Panchyat Raj Institution.
- In UP & West Bengal District Collector is known as District Magistrate.
- 7th Amendment provides for the appointment of the same person as Governor for two or more states.
- Panchayat raj is a system of Rural Local self Govt.
- Balwantray Committee - 1957 - report 1958
- Ashok Mehta Committee - 1977 - report 1978
- Balwantry Mehta Committee 3 tier system 1. Gram Panchayat 2. Panchayat Saniti 3. zila Parishad.
- Ashok Mehta Committee 2 tier system 1. Zila Panchayat 2. Mandal panchyayat.
- 73rd amendment 1992 came into force on 24/4/93.
- 73rd amendment part IX - Articles 243 to 243 O
- 29 functional item deals in Art 243G.
- 74th amendment part IXA - Articles 243 P to 243 Zg.
- 18 Functional item deals in art 243W
- Ashok Mehta Committee made 132 recommendations.
- Article 40 Village Panchayats.