TNPSC STUDY Material History Leaders Name

The term "Untouchable" first time used by - H.H.RIsley .
Round table conference at London Met – Discussion or a future constitution for India.
M.K.Gandhi – Hind Swaraj
Bankim Chandra Chatto Padhyaya – Anand Mata
Dinbandhu Mitra – Nil Darpan
Dadabhai Navroji – Poverty and un-British rule in India.
Abdul Kalam Azad – Al Hilal.
Mazhar – ul – haq – The Motherland
Madan Monah Malviya – Hindustan
Feroz Shah Mehta – Bombay Chronicle
Madan Mohan Malviya – Nationalist Party
Bokhale – Servants of Indian Society.
S.N.Bannerji – Indian National Liberal Foundation.
Kashinath Trimbak Telang – National Social conference.
Surya Sen – Indian Republican Army.
NM Joshi – All India Trade Union Federation.
PC Joshi – CPI
SC Bose – Radical President of Congress.
Individual Satya group – 1940
Forward Bloc – 1939
Rajaji Formula – 1944
INA Trials – 1945
Abhinav Bharat – 1904
Failure or Cripps Mission – Quit India Movement
Resignation or congress ministers – War with Germany
August Offer – Individual Satyagraha
Cabinet Mission Plan – Direct Action Day
G.V Joshi – Poona
Anand Charlu – Madras
K.T.Telang – Bombay
Ganguli – Calcutta
Sachin Sanyal – Bandi Jiran
Sharat Chandra Chatterji – Partner Dabi
Bhagat Singh – Why am I an atheist
Jyothi Phule – ghulam Giri
Jatin Das – Died on due to hunger strike
Chandra sekar Azad – killed in an encounter
Bhagat singh – Hanged
Kalpana Dutt- Life sentence.
Bhagat singh & B.K.Dutt threw a bomb in the central Assembly to protest against the passage or public safety bill.
C.Viraraghavachariar was not a delegate to round table conference.
Communist party was legalized in the year 1942
JL became 3 times President on INC
Governor – General Proposed to change the capital from Calcutta to Delhi – Lord Harlinge II.
Twin Principles of Banduji'Ram Rajya – Right means & Right ends.

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